Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Three Day Diet

         ...You can do anything for just three days...;^}


Lately God has been nudging me to lose some weight. I have a wedding to go to this weekend, and I’m going on vacation next month, so I thought His idea of my losing a few pounds was a good one.  One of my co-workers, Monica, came in to work last Friday with the “Three Day Diet”!  How timely. 

Hmm, Three Day Diet—there’s something Biblical in there somewhere.  Perhaps God is trying to resurrect one of His original creations.

By following this miracle diet, I was practically guaranteed to lose 10 pounds in just three days!  Easy—I can do almost anything for three days!  I planned out my three days---Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week; and armed with my list, took off for the grocery store.  This was just so awesome, not too restricting, it even had a few enticing perks, not to mention a carrot dangling in front of my nose (literally).


½ grapefruit (I love grapefruit, but am not supposed to eat it since I’m on cholesterol medication)
1 slice of toast with 2 tbls. Peanut butter.  Coffee or tea.  That’s more than I usually eat, so I was on my way to skinny!
Lunch:  ½ cup of tuna, 1 slice of toast.  Coffee or tea.  Well, that’s a little limiting, but just think, 10 pounds in 3 days!
Dinner:  2 slices of meat!  Wow, I thought of 2 giant slabs of prime rib, but then I read the fine print (3 ozs.) , 1 cup of green beans, 1 small apple, and ½ banana.  My dog, Mia, was so happy, she got the other banana half.  And, I couldn’t believe my eyes:  1 cup vanilla ice cream for dessert.  I chose Haagen-dazs.

I was so pumped!  This was a snap.  I could hardly wait to get to sleep so I could hit the scale in the morning and see my 3 1/3 pound weight loss.

Apparently there is something wrong with my scale!  I lost nothing.


1 Egg, 1 slice of toast and ½ banana (another happy day for Mia)
1 cup cottage cheese, 1 hard boiled egg, 5 Saltines – this feast lasted until about 2:30 when my stomach was serenading the entire office.
Dinner: Now this was what I’d been waiting for – my favorite food!  2 hotdogs—I fired up the grill as soon as I got home and threw on 2 Ball Parks and watched them plump!  With my meat dish, I gagged down (oops, I mean enjoyed) 1 cup broccoli, ½ cup carrots, ½ half of a banana (Mia is in heaven by now), and, can you believe it, another ½ cup of Haagen-dazs!

I could hardly sleep Wednesday night, just thinking about all of the clothes I’d be able to get back into, instead of taking them to the women’s shelter. Again I stepped gingerly onto the scale.  No Change!  I picked the scale up and shook it just to be sure it was working correctly.  Nothing!


5 Saltines and a slice of Cheddar cheese so thin it only had one side, accompanied by a teenie weenie apple.
1 hard boiled egg and a slice of toast.  No further comment on that.
1 Cup of tuna – must have come from some old tuna living in the Dead Sea – dry as a bone, ½ half banana (Mia is doing flips through the living room by now) and, of course, 1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

OK, so I lived through the 3 days—barely.  Friday morning was the big day, the day I would step on the scale and see how my weight had plummeted! 

WHAT!  1 pound?  Really?  What about the big promise?  I was starving, and still fat! 

I came in to work and told Monica I wanted a refund.  She reminded me that the diet had been free of charge. 

The lesson in this, I believe God has been trying to get my attention.  Well, it worked, and in His amazing sense of humor, He reminded me that free will is my choice.  He doesn’t make bad choices for us, we do!

Written by an only slightly thinner
Paula Glauber