Friday, June 21, 2013

Pillow Talk

Sandy Schott wrote this poem for her cousin Corine on the occasion of washing her torn pillow in the washing machine. Enjoy!

Pillow Talk

Feathers, feathers everywhere
 and not a duck in sight.
Little did she know that day
What soon would be her plight.

The pillow case was old
But it could easily be repaired,
It really needed to be washed though,
 Not just put outside and aired. 

“It’s a waste of soap and water
For me to wash one thing
So I’ll throw some towels in with it”,
She said with a SMILE AND A fling.

Later, when the lid was lifted
She found, with deep chagrin,
Not only a pillow & towels, but
Wet  feathers were within!

Outside she went
Towels and feathers in hand
“I’ll let the wind take them
Won’t that be grand”?!

“Fly, feathers, fly
Your free to toss and to twirl”!
 “We don’t want them”, replied the wind,
“Your on your own, old girl”!

As some settled on the ground
She was hoping for the best
“Maybe the birds will want them,
To use them for their nest”!

The next day it was spotted,
One did escape from the ground,
On a tree limb was a loner,
Happy to be just hanging around!


Feathers, feathers, everywhere
And not a duck in sight.
Trust not to wash your down filled pillow
Or this could be Your  plight!

For Corinne - from SANDY  2009

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