Thursday, September 26, 2013



 What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; 
and what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the housetops.

In today’s life of hustle bustle, where weekends are booked months in advance, and where the social calendar carries scribbles overflowing the margins. And this is also where smart phones are synced with family members finding time to just sit and talk about nothing is a fanciful wish…. Not even a dream, for who has the time to dream now? When not too long ago was a time when many of us dared to day-dream.
I asked few friends what would they do if they were given a day to be free and everyone had a list that had some common wishes such as read, garden, go to park, walk, etc etc. If I were to be asked this question I would say I will do absolutely nothing. I will find myself a small hillock, reach there at sunrise, and stay there as long as I can. I will sit there for hours feeling the oneness with nature and observing the majestic march of the day.
As I near turning fifty, I have begun to think less about the daily struggle and more about what awaits us all in the end. Not death necessarily but thoughts such as, what is really important, time spent shopping or having coffee with a friend, time spent in endless senseless parties or spent in introspection. It is quite a paradox that, as our bodies’ age and one might think we need to rest more, our sleep switch gets messed up. I could sleep through the night but it seems that the bladders and the prostates are self-programmed to nudge everyone awake to drag the tired bodies out of the bed. Then one lays there cajoling sleep to return to the bed, but it evades us almost like a punitive lover.
So instead of lying in bed watching the numbers in the digital clock face mutate, I would get up and
chose to walk to my perch in the low hills. The dawn would be utterly silent, the newly made light just touching the tops of the trees in a glad and sure way. The distant hiss of the freeway, which I am so accustomed to now as the white noise, would also fade in background, as I would focus on the lone crow starting up somewhere and then prompting few other birds to chime in, chuckling and whistling but totally hidden from view.
A small smile would part my lips naturally instead of the caffeine high muscles pulling at them, and I would gaze at the shadowy pockets of vegetation now emerging into view. The bushes are woven tight as thatch, the trees, eucalyptus, oak and cherry looming above the bushes. As I would pass few houses, I might see the bright globes of lemons or oranges gobbling at the dark competing for visibility with the splashes of pink begonias. The shadows congeal as I start climbing eagerly anticipating the isolation from human life and connecting with the nature life.
From my slight elevated post the walls of houses scattered at lower levels look tall and mute, soft breeze swaying the treetops, as if shooing the birds fully awake. They stretch their wings lazily and glide into the crisp morning air. Out peeks the glorious sun from behind the hills, and the show is on. The bougainvillea over the walls of a house wall appear to be twisting towards the sun in great puffed up balls of leaf and thorn and flame red flowers.
Maybe I can see pair of cars pinked by the morning sun roll silently, and slowly the lights in the few kitchen windows go out, Like the birds humans also leave their nest in search of daily bread. If anyone were to ask what am I looking for my answer would be introspection. Connection, some sort of insight into lives, lived equally with my own and pain, the sort of pain and trauma that define and delimits any life on this earth. Maybe I will find it, or maybe I will just keep gazing and marveling at the ebullient life all around me. As the day will unfold I may discover simple joys of letting my eyes soak in the abundant beauty around me, let my nose smell faint fragrances that are lost in the exhaust of gas and diesel, let my skin be softly touched by the breeze and let my ears hear the crescendo of nature. My heart will sing, my heart will soar. and my mind will idle like a car put in neutral, ready to roar and drive off on a freeway of free thoughts.

I will sit there giddy with happiness, the kind of happiness akin to watching a tipped over basket of playful kittens. I will do nothing and truly idle the day away….what would you do?

Written by 
Nandita Bhatnagar

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