Sunday, November 3, 2013



I have this acronym “ALIVE” on a post-it note on my desk.  A dear friend introduced it to me at a time in my life when I was feelings pretty discouraged and lost. Wherever I go – this post-it note ends up on my desk in one of those little wire picture frame holders. I keep it to remind me of how I should live because it is so easy to loose track of what is important in life, what really matters and where I am going. It helps me focus on the things of God and to let go of the things that, at the time can seem immensely important, but if not of God truly are of little value. I want my life to model a person of integrity and honor, and in this world we can become so distracted by worldly things that our focus gets lost. So I keep this post-it note to bring me back so I don’t become so discouraged in life to no longer care. Days and months can go by and I can forget this little post-it note is there. But then there are days, like today, when I need it the most to remind me to “always live in view of eternity.”  I hope you will copy this and put in a place where you too will be reminded of the Hope you have and where to place your focus so you can “always live in view of eternity.”

Written by Patty B. ♥

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