Saturday, September 3, 2011


Enhance a Soup! 
Safeway and Trader Joe's have the most delicious soups in boxes...just used from the box they are yummy...but here are some things you can do to fancy em up...use a soup such as Tomato Basil or Red Pepper Tomato, Squash, or Corn Chowder
  • add a dollop of sour cream after you heat up the soup
  • add a 1/4 c of cottage chese after you heat the soup
  • add shredded cheese
  • add any combo of left over veggies to the soup and heat it...and then you can also use the sour cream, cottage cheese, or shredded cheese as an additional add in
  • add any of your fav spices such as garlic, dill, oregano
  • add onions or peppers

Another Favorite Recipe fom the National Hotel Kitchen
in Jamestown California:

1 1/2 cups milk
3 cups half & half
4 cups sugar
2 each vanilla bean
18 each egg yolks

Separate egg yolks and place in a large bowl and stir.
In another large bowl, combine the half & half and milk.
Mix in sugar until it is dissolved. Heat mixture in a sauce pan and add two vanilla beans.
Heat milk mixture to a simmer (169-175 degrees). Remove from heat.
Remove vanilla beans from milk mixture, place on a flat surface and split lengthwise. Then, using the dull edge of a knife, scrape out the inside of the beans. Rinse the bean pods in the warm mixture and discard the pods. Mix the scrapings from the bean pod into the milk.
Gradually add the warm milk mixture to the egg yolks, mixing constantly. The mixture should then be ladled into 4 ounce Pyrex custard cups. Then place the cups in a 4 inch deep baking pan, in a half inch of water. Place baking pan on stove top and bring water to a boil. Turn off heat and immediately cover pan with aluminum foil. Carefully place pan in convection oven preheated to 350 degrees for 25 minutes or a regular oven for 30 miutes. Do not over cook, this is crucial to the texture of the finished product.

Shared by Patty B.

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