Friday, September 2, 2011

Who doesn't need wisdom
Here are some wise quotations for you to ponder on
Samuel Taylor Coleridge:Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it since into the mind.
Aristotle:all human beings, by nature, desire to know.
Benjamin Franklin:an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
English proverb:since the house is on fire let's warm ourselves

Here are some precious ones that are anonymous
Showing the region of origin
Common sense is not so common... French
Even the fish wouldn't get into trouble if he kept his mouth shut... Korean
If you're hiding, don't light a fire... Ghanaian
If you can't bite, better not show your teeth... Yiddish
It is a foolish sheep that makes the Wolf his confessor... Italian
It is better to prevent and cure... Peruvian
It takes a heap of links to hit a nail in the dark... American
Just because something is common sense doesn't mean it's common practice... Unknown
A cute story...
God's Wife
This is an eyewitness account which happened in the city of New York, on a cold day in December sometime ago. A little boy about 10 years old was standing before a shoe store on Broadway, barefooted, peering through the window and shivering with cold.
A lady approached the boy and said; " My little fellow, why are you looking so earnestly in that window? " Nope
"I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes," was the boy's reply.
The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her basin of water and a towel.
By by this time the clerk had returned to the socks. Placing a pair upon the boys feet she purchased him a pair of shoes and tying up the remaining pairs of socks gave them to him.
She patted him on the head and said," My little fellow, do you feel more comfortable now?"
As she turned to go, the astonished lad caught her by the hand, and looking up at her face, with tears in his eyes, answered the question with these words, "are you God's wife?"
Household Hints
Awkward Bottles.
A tip for all those girls out there who occasionally lack the oomph to open screw-top water/juice bottles but are too proud to ask nearby guys for help... If you are at home, a rubber glove or bottle gripper will give you the power you need to get into the stickier ones. However, these are usually in short supply at work in the office, so carefully wind a rubber band snugly around the lid and try again... Magic!

Dripping Candle Wax:
The best way to get rid of candle wax stains is not to get them there in the first place, there are a few simple ways to avoid them.
1. Buy better candles, cheap candles have lots of additives in them that cause them to stain worse, try a candle that is nothing but paraffin wax, scent, color, and stearic acid (the acid helps the candle wax burn away so there is little to no dripping.)
even dripless candles drip if there is a draft near where they are burning, make sure they are not near any open windows, fans, or heater vents.
3. make sure that the candle holder is big enough to hold any spillovers.

never blow out your candles, use a snuffer, if you don't have one a shot glass or juice glass over the wick until the flame is out works great. and
5. if you have just put a candle out don't move it until the wax has solidified again.

Candlewax Removal.
I got candle wax on my windows when my husband blew out the candles at christmas, tried everything until a friend told me to use WD40, it worked like a dream. I am going to use an iron and some newspaper now to get some more out of the carpet!!

Candle Wax Removal -- If there is a puddle of wax to remove, aim a blow dryer set at its highest level to melt the wax, then dab it up with a paper towel as it melts. Stubborn little drops embedded in a carpet can be removed quickly by dabbing them with dry cleaning spirit which has been soaked into a paper towel.

Spring Cleaning Time Is Almost Here
It is the top to bottom cleaning
that is done two to three times a year. Him
A famous poet once wrote,
"O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?"
And guess what everyone spring will be here before we know it. So this gives you a chance to plan ahead. AARGHHHH Here are some pointers
If cleaning involves moving knick knacks and furniture to clean, from the ceiling to the floor, scrubbing every surface until free of dust and dirt. Ceiling fans, corners of ceilings, tops of doors, windows, window sills, furniture, and baseboards should all be cleaned with furniture polish. And Spring Cleaning is the top to bottom cleaning that is done two to three times a year.
This cleaning involves moving knick knacks and furniture to clean, from the ceiling to the floor, scrubbing every surface until free of dust and dirt. Ceiling fans, corners of ceilings, tops of doors, windows, window sills, furniture, and baseboards should all be cleaned with furniture polish.

The sheets should be removed from the beds after the cleaning is done. The floors are vacuumed and things are put back. In bathrooms the walls, tubs, toilets, sinks and floors are scrubbed and the floor mats are removed and washed. In the kitchen, the tops of cabinets, cabinet fronts, counters, applainaces, refrigerators and floors are scrubbed and the oven is moved and cleaned behind.
The general weekly cleaning is the upkeep of the spring cleaning. It involves dusting, sweeping, mopping and vacuuming. The bathroom toilets, shower, sinks and floors are cleaned and in the kitchen the counters and floors are cleaned. The weekly cleaning should be done one room at a time, focusing on the cleaning and putting any organizational projects that are encountered along the way on hold until all the cleaning is done. This ensures that you won't get distracted with a new project and not finish cleaning. This is why cleaning seems to take all day, we get distracted with smaller projects within the rooms.
Start at the back and top of the house and work your way down to the front of the house. This will help you focus on your goal of cleaning the entire house. If you start at the front, you may become tired and not reach the back bedrooms or bathroom. Do not do laundry during cleaning. Simply pile the laundry near the laundry room and work on this project later, or the next day!
Cleaning can be accomplished quicker by enlisting the help of your family, even small children can be given a cloth to wipe off a table or the tv, that will hold their interest and the tv will sparkle. Use the right tools, a clean rag or sponge can be used in all rooms. Vacuuming the floors as well as the carpets saves time on sweeping. If you have small children, concentrate on their area, the floors and baseboards and everything in their eyesight, on their level.
After you finish cleaning, put your feet up and enjoy the fruits of your labor. With a little hard work, concentration, organization and "elbow grease" the house can be cleaned quickly and to your satisfaction. Enjoy!
Okay, I didn't write this, I just found it online. It is kind of bizarre. I don't know if I know a single-family that would get behind the spring cleaning effort happily. For those of you who have such a family I am impressed about your family as I type this. I cannot even remember the last time I actually did spring or fall cleaning. My method has been that every once in a while I will pick a room and really clean it. That works for me, but the result is that the house is never ever all clean at the same time.

I once had a framed piece of wisdom on my family room wall that said...
"Dull women make impeccable housekeepers!"
This is my credo! I keep it perfectly.
Ha Ha Ha

Shared by Corinne Mustafa

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