Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Christmas Picture

Regarding this title
“A Christmas Picture”….
it would probably be more appropriate to state 
“Picture This!”

(This Is a True Story…Names have not been changed to protect the innocent)

When I was five years old I lived in
South Dakota on a farm with my parents, little brother and my step-grandmother.  I can remember most of my childhood of that little farm house out in the no land prairies of South Dakota.  I can still recall the stories that Mom and Dad used to tell of how cold Dakota (as they used to call it) used to be.  Snow drifts piled high against the house, barn and sheep shed until a lot of times they couldn’t get out to the roads because their vehicles would be blocked in by snow and the severe weather.  I can remember how Mom would tie a dish towel around my head and bundle me up when we had to go outside to do chores.  I can also remember how Mom would try to hang cloths out on the cloths line, but the cloths would freeze in the basket before she could even get them hung up….Those were the days!!  Before cloths driers, snow blowers and modern conveniences.  Those times were hard.

However this particular Christmas Eve 1952,  my folks were able to call (by the old wall telephone with the ringer handle….1 ringy dingie, 2 ringy dingies) to most of the neighbors around our part to see if they could come for Christmas Eve, for there would be a  surprise visit from Santa Clause.  I can still here my Dad telling this story about an old neighbor man that lived down  the road from them named Johnny Haffer…   Ole Johnny was a certified bachelor  and it was well known in those parts that  Ole Johnny Haffer was pretty lazy.  Especially during the winter months,   as they said that Ole Johnny slept like a bear in hibernation all winter long and they wondered how he ever survived!

Somehow my Dad talked “Old Johnny” into dressing up like Santa Clause, putting a sack of toys on his back.  Dad  talked him into coming to our house that evening where friends, kids and neighbors would be gathered >>> for a  surprise visit from “None the Less”  than Old St. Nick!.  (I’m sure that Dad had to pay Old Johnny though for his services.)

As I remember (and also hearing the tale)…. of  the neighbors weathering the cold to get to our farm house to celebrate Christmas Eve with the expectation and anticipation of Santy Clause soon to appear with Christmas Cheer for all the kids.

Some time during that early evening I recall… When what to our wondering eyes should appear! ….But Old St. Nick coming up on that cold and snowy front porch with a sack on his back and a loud Jolly  “Ho Ho Ho !” 

Being that I was only five years old, I can remember my heart just beating so hard as I was scared, and I hung on to my dads legs and hid behind his back.  But Old Santy Clause with his nose so red and his cheeks so rosy,  did a good job as he propped him self up against our gas stove and began to dig in his sack to hand out toys. 

When all of a sudden their rose such a clatter I hung to my Dad to see what was the matter !!   The Gas Stove that Old Santa was leaning against had accidentally gotten half turned on with gas building up (unbeknown to them) and before they knew it >>>>  BOOM !! gas accumulated and the stove blew up !….and I wanna tell you  “Old Santy Clause” ran out of their like a steak of lightening!

Now Dash Away, Dash Away, Dash Away All….as I heard him exclaim as he ran out of sight….

Merry Christmas
to all
and to all 
a Good Night!

Written by
Glenna Williamson

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