Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 18 - Daily Feast

I watched her in the woods circling a red cedar not much taller than she was. It was her gift back to the woods that had given her so much peace and comfort - even when life outside the woods could be trying. She laid garlands of popcorn and cranberries over the sturdy limbs along with burr acorns and suet in mesh bags. Scattered beneath the tree were sunflower seeds and millet that cardinals and would attract unusual guests - miniature marshmallows were scattered in and around the tree, a sweet touch for woodland friends. A sweet touch, the best part of the gift. She gave, and peace would be given back to her.

~ Sometimes we prayed in silence;
sometimes each one prayed aloud;
    sometimes an aged person prayed for all of us. ~

'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Shared by Corinne Mustafa

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